1. Where do you live?
Ventnor township
2. How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
24 years
3. What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
Ventnor township
2. How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
24 years
3. What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
- Chair of Phillip Island Kindergarten committee – 3 years
- School Council – 1 year
- Chair of Scouts committee – 3 years.
- Phillip Island Tennis Club committee – 4 years. Member for 20 years.
- Chair of Phillip Island Landcare Group – 7 years
- Chair of Phillip Island Land Alliance 1– 2 years
4. What experience or attributes do you bring that will help you in the role of shire councillor?
My current work role is Centre Manager at Phillip Island Community and Learning Centre (PICAL).
Previous to this, I have held roles in Event Management / Tourism, Human Resources and Primary School Teaching. These work roles are complimented with higher education studies with a degree or post graduate degree in each sector.
Early in this term of Council, I undertook and passed the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) course. This meaningful and relevant course further developed my skills and understanding of the Councillor role.
5. Have you stood for election before in local, state or federal government?
Yes, currently an Island Ward Councillor
6. Do you belong to a political party?
7. Are you directing preferences?
8. Name up to five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you believe the council should tackle them.
Our community wishes to keep our island home a special place to live and visit, as such, I will…
Issue 1: Continue to protect and enhance our natural environment. Council is tackling this through our 2018 Biolinks plan, our 2023 Urban Forest Strategy, 2024 establishment of our Environmental fund, and by strengthening our coastal protection policy this term. Council can further improve these initiatives with greater funding.
Issue 2: Remain steadfast on maintaining our town boundaries from further residential development. Council can achieve this through completion of the Distinctive Areas and Landscape process.
Issue 3: Push for a network of pedestrian and cycling paths across the Island. Council is working on this through its 2022 Tracks and Trails Strategy. Council can complete more in this area with additional internal staff resources.
Issue 4: Ensure appropriate residential development takes place in the different areas of the Bass Coast. The following pieces of work have worked towards supporting this area: The 2024 Neighbourhood Character Study, 2024 Housing Strategy and the 2024 Residential Canopy Cover Improvement Strategy. Next up we must complete the Residential Character Framework and statutory implementation.
Issue 5 Support Climate Change resilience and adaptation. Council must work with all levels of Government to better respond to our changing weather patterns and sea levels.
9. Name the one thing you would most like to achieve if you are elected a Bass Coast Shire councillor.
A cohesive, value-based Councillor group that listens and responds to the community’s needs and aspirations.