1. Where do you live?
North Wonthaggi
2. How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
For nearly 6 years, but I was born in Korumburra and lived in Tallangatta for 40 years
3. What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
I have been in or still am a member of
North Wonthaggi
2. How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
For nearly 6 years, but I was born in Korumburra and lived in Tallangatta for 40 years
3. What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
I have been in or still am a member of
- Bass Coast Artists Society ( Secretary since 2023)
- L2P Mentor
- CWA ( with senior positions of responsibility)
- Wonthaggi Harvest Garden
- ArtSpace Wonthaggi
- KiliKruisers Cycle group
- Host for Bass Coast Edible Gardens
- Host for Sustainable House Day
- Founding Board Member of Australis Olive Co-operative
- Foundation Board Member of Hub Cottage Craft Industries Co Operative Inc
- Health Service community driver
- Meals on Wheels volunteer driver
- ASF host for exchange students
- NE Sustainable Farmers Network
- Totally Sustainable Tallangatta
- Tallangatta Wilderness Club
- Tallangatta and District Ski Club
4. What experience or attributes do you bring that will help you in the role of shire councillor?
I have a wide range of interests and past experience in education, agriculture, horticulture, hospitality, environmental issues, tourism and governance of community groups. I am used to working in diverse teams from a wide range of backgrounds. I am also good at reading, analyzing and assimilating novel information as well as asking questions and listening to other points of view.
5. Have you stood for election before in local, state or federal government?
6. Do you belong to a political party?
7. Are you directing preferences?
Yes, I am exchanging preferences with Jon Temby as I feel that Jon is someone that I could work with as part of a team to positively represent Western Port.
8. Name up to five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you
believe the council should tackle them.
Issue 1 Sustainable, considered planning, Councilors need to give planning proper and considered attention so that Bass Coast continues to be a highly livable environment while allowing for the best economic, physical and mental health of residents, now and into the future. There is an enormous pool of skills and knowledge held by the residents of Bass Coast and the Council would be foolish not to utilize this expertise when deciding on tricky planning issues. Community consultation forums are one way to access this knowledge.
Issue 2:Openess and transparency of governance I am aware that all organizations have a tendency over time to become more closed, less transparent and even secretive with their dealing with “others”. This has to be actively discouraged and reversed where it has been allowed to creep in. This process can be an unintentional consequence of the shifting of workloads.
Issue 3: Tighter controls over Extractive Industries. The proposed super quarry in Leongatha South and continued expansion of sand quarrying into Western Port Woodlands can only be detrimental to the viability of the Bass Coast as a desirable place to live. The council needs to exert all means in its power to ensure that such projects are not developed here due to inertia and vested interests when there is actually more suitable sites where it will not have the impact on the fragile and unique coastal region that is the Bass Coast. Bass Coast has far too high an international environmental heritage value to be turned into a quarry and giant landfill site for Melbourne.
Issue 4 Dealing sensibly with coastal erosion in a considered way with long term planning which takes into account the full ramifications of remedial measures and not just respond in a knee jerk fashion to lobby groups. There is no point is saving an area from coastal erosion only to make it unlivable anyway.
Issue 5 Community Connectiveness Introduction of meaningful programs to welcome and assimilate new residents into Bass Coast communities so that they can contribute to Bass Coast‘s livability. New arrivals and old residents can be lonely and loneliness is not good for physical or mental health. Development and support of programs and events to foster social connections across a diverse range of residents in both interests and locations will have beneficial effects for the whole community, and reflected in improvement in health and life satisfaction.
9. Name the one thing you would most like to achieve if you are elected a Bass Coast Shire councillor.
When I finish my term I would like it to be said that I had actually done something to make Bass Coast an even better place to live, both now and into the future.