Where do you live?
Sunset Strip
How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
Since 1991.
What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either
in Bass Coast or another area?
Volunteered at many youth camps when I was younger. In recent years helped at the local Baptist church with music and other activities. I’ve been involved with the Great Victorian Fish, held annually in the Bass Coast, count since its inception.
Have you stood for election before in local, state or federal government?
Sunset Strip
How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
Since 1991.
What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either
in Bass Coast or another area?
Volunteered at many youth camps when I was younger. In recent years helped at the local Baptist church with music and other activities. I’ve been involved with the Great Victorian Fish, held annually in the Bass Coast, count since its inception.
Have you stood for election before in local, state or federal government?
Do you belong to a political party?
Yes the Liberals.
Name the five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you
think the council should tackle them.
Issue 1: Promote business in balance with our pristine coastline.
Issue 2: Transparency and accountability
The benefits of rate payers dollars needs to be measurable.
Issue 3: Prevent Erosion along the Cowes Coastline.
Issue 4: A swimming Pool for Phillip Island.
Issue 5: Efficient use of resources and time
If a job needs doing get it done.
Yes the Liberals.
Name the five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you
think the council should tackle them.
Issue 1: Promote business in balance with our pristine coastline.
Issue 2: Transparency and accountability
The benefits of rate payers dollars needs to be measurable.
Issue 3: Prevent Erosion along the Cowes Coastline.
Issue 4: A swimming Pool for Phillip Island.
Issue 5: Efficient use of resources and time
If a job needs doing get it done.