Where do you live?
Corinella in the Western Port Ward
How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
I married a dairy farmer from Bass in 1972 so ‘48’ years!
What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
I am a member of local Red Cross Branch, Bass Valley Community Group - Life Member. I have many years of committee work experience and membership including at Corinella & District Community Centre, Corinella & District Probus and Bass Valley Historical Society.
Since being a Councillor for the past 8 years, I’ve supported many voluntary groups by being their contact and representing their needs in Council.
Corinella in the Western Port Ward
How long have you lived in Bass Coast?
I married a dairy farmer from Bass in 1972 so ‘48’ years!
What is your previous community involvement (voluntary work or membership), either in Bass Coast or another area?
I am a member of local Red Cross Branch, Bass Valley Community Group - Life Member. I have many years of committee work experience and membership including at Corinella & District Community Centre, Corinella & District Probus and Bass Valley Historical Society.
Since being a Councillor for the past 8 years, I’ve supported many voluntary groups by being their contact and representing their needs in Council.
Have you stood for election before in local, state or federal government?
Yes, Local Government 2012 & 2016 & 2020 as an Independent Candidate for State Government 2014 & 2018 as an Independent Candidate
Do you belong to a political party?
Name the five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you think the council should tackle them.
Issue 1: Council’s performance
I am committed to the ongoing review of Council’s services, to the continuous overall improvement of Council’s governance including good financial management, which is critical to keeping rates affordable and delivering quality services and programs, to ensuring smart business management decisions are made for a more transparent and accountable Council.
Issue 2: Environmental Management and Protection Programs
The impacts of Climate Change Emergency and Coastal Erosion on our way of life.
Issue 3: COVID recovery
Revitalising our tourism and business sectors after the COVID lockdown. Creating economic and employment opportunities, by advertising Bass Coast and showcasing all it offers.
Issue 4: Supporting our farming sector
They create the views and the landscape that we the residential community value. We all live in the country for a way of life and I am committed to supporting our farmers and thank them for caring for this land.
Issue 5: Arts sector
We are blessed in Bass Coast with the amount of highly talented creative people in our vibrant Arts & Cultural community and through them we enhance every aspect of our lives.
Yes, Local Government 2012 & 2016 & 2020 as an Independent Candidate for State Government 2014 & 2018 as an Independent Candidate
Do you belong to a political party?
Name the five local issues that you consider most important and explain how you think the council should tackle them.
Issue 1: Council’s performance
I am committed to the ongoing review of Council’s services, to the continuous overall improvement of Council’s governance including good financial management, which is critical to keeping rates affordable and delivering quality services and programs, to ensuring smart business management decisions are made for a more transparent and accountable Council.
Issue 2: Environmental Management and Protection Programs
The impacts of Climate Change Emergency and Coastal Erosion on our way of life.
Issue 3: COVID recovery
Revitalising our tourism and business sectors after the COVID lockdown. Creating economic and employment opportunities, by advertising Bass Coast and showcasing all it offers.
Issue 4: Supporting our farming sector
They create the views and the landscape that we the residential community value. We all live in the country for a way of life and I am committed to supporting our farmers and thank them for caring for this land.
Issue 5: Arts sector
We are blessed in Bass Coast with the amount of highly talented creative people in our vibrant Arts & Cultural community and through them we enhance every aspect of our lives.