more frequently in his household – as far as he can
remember. Cartoon by Natasha Williams-Novak
“Where’s the whatsit?”
“The whatsit?”
“You know the hoojamaflip we got the other day to replace the one that broke.”
“Oh that. Isn’t it in the drawer with the others?”
“No, don’t you remember, the new one’s a bit bigger so it wouldn’t fit in there.”
“Ah yes, that. Let’s think, what am I looking for again? It’s blue isn’t it?”
“No this one’s red, don’t you remember anything?”
“In the circumstances that’s a bit rich isn’t it? Well, it might be near where you are right now. On the top, with the other thingummyjigs.”
“I can’t see it anywhere.”
“Do you need these steps? You might need to get up and look behind the other things?”
“Oh thanks. Let’s see – I’ll just push these what-do-you-call-its out of the way. Aha! What’s this?”
“Have you got it now?”
“Yes, here it is just where you said it would be! Thanks.”
“That’s great.”