By Carolyn Landon
THERE are more people in Wonthaggi this winter coughing and sneezing and blowing and generally taking to their beds than I can remember anywhere. They say it’s been a bad year for the flu: the hospitals and care centres have been declared off-limits to visitors and people have been going around wearing masks or staying home and not going around at all.
Maybe this small selection of advertisements from the local papers of early Wonthaggi will make us all – including me – feel better.
THERE are more people in Wonthaggi this winter coughing and sneezing and blowing and generally taking to their beds than I can remember anywhere. They say it’s been a bad year for the flu: the hospitals and care centres have been declared off-limits to visitors and people have been going around wearing masks or staying home and not going around at all.
Maybe this small selection of advertisements from the local papers of early Wonthaggi will make us all – including me – feel better.
Peter Krook’s Hot Baths 1 shilling: Peter Krook desires to notify residents that he has opened the Wonthaggi Baths in Watt Street and is now prepared to meet all requirements. Up-to-date baths have been installed and everything will be found scrupulously clean. Ladies’ day Tuesdays and Saturdays. Open Sunday morning. NO WAITING.
Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery for Coughs and Colds: Safeguard the children, take care of their little colds. It is only a little cold, you say; still it often means a lot of suffering for the little folk and worry for mother, so be wise and get the best that can be had. Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery is a wonderful remedy for all Coughs and colds, precenting influenza, Pneumonia, and Bronchitis.
It is the safeguard of many a home and robs these troubles of all their terrors. See that your children keep bright, healthy and rosy with the help of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery. It’s not ‘How Cheap’ but ‘How Good’ is the watchword of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery. When you buy medicine you want something that is effective, something that will get to the root of the matter at once without in any way upsetting the system. This is just exactly what Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery does! Remember, when you are ill, it is quality that counts. Take a bottle of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery home with you tonight. The price is 1/6 and 3/-. For sale by Austin G. Skinner.
Peter Krook’s Hot Baths 1 shilling: Peter Krook desires to notify residents that he has opened the Wonthaggi Baths in Watt Street and is now prepared to meet all requirements. Up-to-date baths have been installed and everything will be found scrupulously clean. Ladies’ day Tuesdays and Saturdays. Open Sunday morning. NO WAITING.
Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery for Coughs and Colds: Safeguard the children, take care of their little colds. It is only a little cold, you say; still it often means a lot of suffering for the little folk and worry for mother, so be wise and get the best that can be had. Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery is a wonderful remedy for all Coughs and colds, precenting influenza, Pneumonia, and Bronchitis.
It is the safeguard of many a home and robs these troubles of all their terrors. See that your children keep bright, healthy and rosy with the help of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery. It’s not ‘How Cheap’ but ‘How Good’ is the watchword of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery. When you buy medicine you want something that is effective, something that will get to the root of the matter at once without in any way upsetting the system. This is just exactly what Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery does! Remember, when you are ill, it is quality that counts. Take a bottle of Dr Sheldon’s New Discovery home with you tonight. The price is 1/6 and 3/-. For sale by Austin G. Skinner.

Rexona Banishes Piles: “For some time internal bleeding piles caused me much suffering,” writes Mrs W. Lemp, 164 Yarrow Street, Invercargill, N.Z. “The irritation was unbearable. I could not lie, walk or sit on account of pain and uncomfortable feeling. I tried many remedies all with no success. Nothing did me any good. Rexona Ointment was recommended to me and the first two or three applications of this splendid balm acted like magic. After using Rexona Ointment for only a short time, I was freed from my terrible affliction and completely cured. It is well called the Rapid Healer.”
Women who suffer from piles are especially unfortunate in that they cannot talk about their compliant. They must suffer in silence. To all such Rexona comes as a great blessing for it is easily obtained, easily applied and the result is always gratifying. The distressing symptoms quickly subside and mind and body both feel relief from the constant strain almost after the first application. In this ointment are combined juice and essences in an entirely new and unique manner forming a remedy justly celebrated as a Rapid Healer. Those who try it will not be disappointed. Rexona sold everywhere at 1/8 or in pots holding four times this quantity for 3/-.
Wrinkles! Nature does not intend any woman to have the charm of her youthful appearance stolen away by those lines which care and ill health so surely mark upon her face. Our Wrinkle Remover holds the secret to restore that fresh youthful appearance by removing all traces of Wrinkles. Self-treatment. Effectiveness guaranteed. Prices 5/6. Post Free. Pacific Drug Company, Molesworth Chambers, Little Collins Street, Melbourne.
Freckles! Freckle remover – a sure cure! The wonderful curative properties of this preparation are becoming well-known and it is bringing joy to a large number of people whose complexion has been disfigured with freckles, course skin, etc. This preparation completely removes the blemished skin, revealing the clear healthy complexion that contributed to womanly beauty. A brief treatment creates delight with its remarkable effectiveness. Success guaranteed. Try it. Price 3/-.
Health is Wealth! A fortune awaits you by using Kent’s Liver Pills. A positive remedy for a torpid liver, constipation, headache, dizziness, foul breath, biliousness, loss of appetite, etc, Price 1/-. Kent’s Famous Corn Cure – Positively removes Corns and warts. A guarantee with every packet. Price 1/-. Kent’s Famous Catarrh Remedy, safe and effective. Price 1/-. Local agents – Wonthaggi Cooperative Store, Wonthaggi.
Are you Deaf? If so, you can be relieved by using Eardo Treatment. Price 4/6 with full and simple instructions.
Pawpaw and Piles; the difficulty solved. Piles are a most disagreeable ailment and like toothache they rarely evoke sympathy from friends or relatives. The pain, distress and inconvenience of this complaint in chronic form have a very depressing and constitutional effect. Piles are not amenable to treatment by ordinary ointments and so-called specifics, but require a treatment very much as would a poisoned would or a malignant growth. Hence the success of the Pawpaw Ointment. The following statement would convince any sufferer; Mr George E. L. Watson of Eildon Road Brisbane writes: “I have suffered to ten years with bleeding and protruding piles. I tried all kinds of remedies, which did no good. I tried Pawpaw Ointment and after using it THREE TIMES I am cured. I can thoroughly recommend it to any sufferer.” Operations are largely obviated. Price 1/9 & 2/9 sold by J. H. Wishart.
Bullet Wound in the Leg Never healed: Like all deep-seated injuries. Bullet wounds are very difficult of healing. An ointment that will readily heal a scratch or other superficial skin break would be perfectly useless in dealing with a serious wound. Here, however, Pawpaw Ointment exhibits peculiar power. Says Mr Edward Wm Clarke of French’s Forest, Manly, Sydney, “Ten years ago I had the misfortune to have a bullet wound in the left leg which never really healed. There was always discharge. I tried every ointment procurable but without relief. After using only one tin of Pawpaw Ointment, my leg quite healed up, there being no discharge whatever.
A four Days’ Business, Dissolving a Tumour! Space forbids that we should dilate on the reasons why the juices of the Pawpaw possesses the remarkable faculty of dissolving away cancerous and diseased tissue though such are eminently explainable. Suffice to say that this peculiar power is possessed by the ferments of Pawpaw juice when suitable isolated and applied. Healthy flesh is left quite undisturbed having no more effect than water, but abnormal or diseased tissue of any kind rapidly disintegrates and dissolves under Papaw influence.
This essay was first published in The Plod, the newsletter of the Wonthaggi & District Historical Society.
Rexona Banishes Piles: “For some time internal bleeding piles caused me much suffering,” writes Mrs W. Lemp, 164 Yarrow Street, Invercargill, N.Z. “The irritation was unbearable. I could not lie, walk or sit on account of pain and uncomfortable feeling. I tried many remedies all with no success. Nothing did me any good. Rexona Ointment was recommended to me and the first two or three applications of this splendid balm acted like magic. After using Rexona Ointment for only a short time, I was freed from my terrible affliction and completely cured. It is well called the Rapid Healer.”
Women who suffer from piles are especially unfortunate in that they cannot talk about their compliant. They must suffer in silence. To all such Rexona comes as a great blessing for it is easily obtained, easily applied and the result is always gratifying. The distressing symptoms quickly subside and mind and body both feel relief from the constant strain almost after the first application. In this ointment are combined juice and essences in an entirely new and unique manner forming a remedy justly celebrated as a Rapid Healer. Those who try it will not be disappointed. Rexona sold everywhere at 1/8 or in pots holding four times this quantity for 3/-.
Wrinkles! Nature does not intend any woman to have the charm of her youthful appearance stolen away by those lines which care and ill health so surely mark upon her face. Our Wrinkle Remover holds the secret to restore that fresh youthful appearance by removing all traces of Wrinkles. Self-treatment. Effectiveness guaranteed. Prices 5/6. Post Free. Pacific Drug Company, Molesworth Chambers, Little Collins Street, Melbourne.
Freckles! Freckle remover – a sure cure! The wonderful curative properties of this preparation are becoming well-known and it is bringing joy to a large number of people whose complexion has been disfigured with freckles, course skin, etc. This preparation completely removes the blemished skin, revealing the clear healthy complexion that contributed to womanly beauty. A brief treatment creates delight with its remarkable effectiveness. Success guaranteed. Try it. Price 3/-.
Health is Wealth! A fortune awaits you by using Kent’s Liver Pills. A positive remedy for a torpid liver, constipation, headache, dizziness, foul breath, biliousness, loss of appetite, etc, Price 1/-. Kent’s Famous Corn Cure – Positively removes Corns and warts. A guarantee with every packet. Price 1/-. Kent’s Famous Catarrh Remedy, safe and effective. Price 1/-. Local agents – Wonthaggi Cooperative Store, Wonthaggi.
Are you Deaf? If so, you can be relieved by using Eardo Treatment. Price 4/6 with full and simple instructions.
Pawpaw and Piles; the difficulty solved. Piles are a most disagreeable ailment and like toothache they rarely evoke sympathy from friends or relatives. The pain, distress and inconvenience of this complaint in chronic form have a very depressing and constitutional effect. Piles are not amenable to treatment by ordinary ointments and so-called specifics, but require a treatment very much as would a poisoned would or a malignant growth. Hence the success of the Pawpaw Ointment. The following statement would convince any sufferer; Mr George E. L. Watson of Eildon Road Brisbane writes: “I have suffered to ten years with bleeding and protruding piles. I tried all kinds of remedies, which did no good. I tried Pawpaw Ointment and after using it THREE TIMES I am cured. I can thoroughly recommend it to any sufferer.” Operations are largely obviated. Price 1/9 & 2/9 sold by J. H. Wishart.
Bullet Wound in the Leg Never healed: Like all deep-seated injuries. Bullet wounds are very difficult of healing. An ointment that will readily heal a scratch or other superficial skin break would be perfectly useless in dealing with a serious wound. Here, however, Pawpaw Ointment exhibits peculiar power. Says Mr Edward Wm Clarke of French’s Forest, Manly, Sydney, “Ten years ago I had the misfortune to have a bullet wound in the left leg which never really healed. There was always discharge. I tried every ointment procurable but without relief. After using only one tin of Pawpaw Ointment, my leg quite healed up, there being no discharge whatever.
A four Days’ Business, Dissolving a Tumour! Space forbids that we should dilate on the reasons why the juices of the Pawpaw possesses the remarkable faculty of dissolving away cancerous and diseased tissue though such are eminently explainable. Suffice to say that this peculiar power is possessed by the ferments of Pawpaw juice when suitable isolated and applied. Healthy flesh is left quite undisturbed having no more effect than water, but abnormal or diseased tissue of any kind rapidly disintegrates and dissolves under Papaw influence.
This essay was first published in The Plod, the newsletter of the Wonthaggi & District Historical Society.