By Cate Anderson
LINE dancing?...You're kidding, right? That's pretty much the standard response I receive when I mention my twice weekly dance classes in Wonthaggi.
There's no doubt about it, line dancing gets a bad rap. All those images of tough cowboys and their gals in hard core boots and jeans, hands in pockets, tapping away to godawful country music.
I'll be honest, I thought it was going to be just that kind of bootscooting when I first poked my nose in at the local line dancing class in Wonthaggi.
LINE dancing?...You're kidding, right? That's pretty much the standard response I receive when I mention my twice weekly dance classes in Wonthaggi.
There's no doubt about it, line dancing gets a bad rap. All those images of tough cowboys and their gals in hard core boots and jeans, hands in pockets, tapping away to godawful country music.
I'll be honest, I thought it was going to be just that kind of bootscooting when I first poked my nose in at the local line dancing class in Wonthaggi.
I should explain why I did check out the class. Being a happy introvert and very comfortable with my own company, I came to realise a couple of years ago that there's a difference between enjoying a healthy amount of alone time and just way too much of a good thing. I was heading towards reclusiveness and decided it was time to venture out and explore my local community. Joining things isn't my forte so I gravitate towards physical activity which has multiple benefits ... company, exercise, a challenging new learning curve and not too much small talk.
What I found in the Wonthaggi RSL hall was a complete surprise. Although the style of dance is called line dancing, it’s evolved greatly from its humble country and
western beginnings. Although you dance without a partner, the updated version of this dance style is absolutely wonderful. Modern music, innovative and modern choreography from dancers around the globe and inspired teaching make this more of a modern dance experience than anything else. Nearly three years later, I'm hooked.
It’s also a continuing mental challenge, which explains why photos of line dancers aren’t a barrel of laughs. All those solemn faces! Trust me, it’s more fun than it looks. As you master one dance, you have to learn another. You’re concentrating so hard on the moves, you forget about everything else. I call it a moving meditation.
Not least because of that inspired teaching I just mentioned, Like many, I suffered through an expensive but mediocre education. The one memory that remains with me is my year with a glorious science teacher who, finally, brought a subject to fascinating life for me. Learning a new physical skill as an adult can be daunting, but not with an exceptional teacher.
What I found in the Wonthaggi RSL hall was a complete surprise. Although the style of dance is called line dancing, it’s evolved greatly from its humble country and
western beginnings. Although you dance without a partner, the updated version of this dance style is absolutely wonderful. Modern music, innovative and modern choreography from dancers around the globe and inspired teaching make this more of a modern dance experience than anything else. Nearly three years later, I'm hooked.
It’s also a continuing mental challenge, which explains why photos of line dancers aren’t a barrel of laughs. All those solemn faces! Trust me, it’s more fun than it looks. As you master one dance, you have to learn another. You’re concentrating so hard on the moves, you forget about everything else. I call it a moving meditation.
Not least because of that inspired teaching I just mentioned, Like many, I suffered through an expensive but mediocre education. The one memory that remains with me is my year with a glorious science teacher who, finally, brought a subject to fascinating life for me. Learning a new physical skill as an adult can be daunting, but not with an exceptional teacher.
Marion teaches our class in Wonthaggi. She's bright, funny, full of fun and hugely experienced with over 20 years of dancing to her credit. She loves modern, bright music and fun, energetic dances (although she will sometimes slip in a mildly country tune if it goes with a fun dance. As there is no chance that our humble fees ever make a profit for Marion once she has paid the outgoings, we know she does it purely for the love ... and that shines through to us all.
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If lycra and weights aren't your thing, and you want to improve your mood, health and state of being, give it a go ... you just might love it!