MY NAME is Harry Hyper Highpurr. Some people call me adorable – and I think I am with my fluffy coat and my bright blue eyes. But others call me a murderer. They say that I should be eradicated – well perhaps not straight away but over time.
I can understand that people might get concerned about feral cats. After all they don’t have loving servants owners to feed and groom and cuddle them. They have to eat and so they do kill a lot where they roam.
The trouble is that the professors who did their study try to make out that we domestic cats are a bigger threat. "Whilst each urban cat kills fewer animals on average than a feral cat in the bush, in urban areas the density of cats is much higher (over 60 cats per square kilometre). As a result, cats in urban areas kill many more animals per square kilometre each year than cats in the bush." Now – really – surely that is playing with statistics, isn’t it? It is like saying that my owner eats more when they sit at a large table with friends than if they eat alone.
And – just saying – my owners see all my kills – which is closer to 10 in a year. I am very proud of them and I want to show them off. I know I shouldn’t – but I do love bringing mice (and the occasional rat) inside to frighten them. For some reason my owners aren’t quite as enthusiastic as I am about my prowess.
As for killing birds, well that simply isn’t on. I like nothing more than sitting outside and watching them come to feed on the seeds my owners leave for them. I know I would be in trouble if I bothered them. Besides which, I am well fed and sleep about 20 hours a day so frankly I don’t have the energy or inclination to kill them.
Now I am told that I can’t go outside the fences of my house. I suppose I am better off than cats in other shires who have been told they have to stay inside – so I can’t complain too much. But when I visit my neighbours it is only to get another cuddle (or maybe some food) – it is not to kill anything.
But really – can you imagine if it was you? Being told you are restricted in your movement and even though you are registered and de-sexed and never a bother to anyone? After all I had enjoyed complete freedom previously and now I get in trouble (and my owners are fined) when I started off life being able to roam. It would be different if all I ever knew was to stay inside the property.
I know my owners would be prepared to pay more to the council to have me live my life in the comfort of their home as I used to on the proviso that the money be put to trying to eliminate the feral cats instead of rangers chasing me. Shouldn’t that be where the registration fees should be? Not punishing me – but punishing the naughty cats?