With all my heart I accept the invitation the Uluru Statement from the Heart extends for recognition of Indigenous people in our constitution through a voice to parliament.
Armed with YES literature, I have knocked on doors, stood outside markets, Wonthaggi library, talked to countless people. Some admit they know little, listen and accept YES literature, some lean towards no but do listen and read YES material, one or two of those I feel I may have persuaded to vote YES.
Others know that we give them too much, they own half of Australia, there are already 1,300 serving them in the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, we are dividing the nation, why should they get…? The former are arguments of the social media readers. Reasoning with, having negated their arguments, their next sentence is a repeat of the same statement you think that you have reasoned away!
Some people agree and buy YES badges and take corflutes to display.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart and the First Nations people are my inspiration. I try to emulate their gentle way of life, balance and harmony with Country. "...a spiritual life; the ancestral tie between land ... and the people who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto and must one day return thither ...possessed the land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in ...the last two hundred years?
Tragically the federal opposition is treating the heartfelt call to unity as a political contest; an opportunity to confuse and frighten the Australian public with obfuscations and lies.
Others know that we give them too much, they own half of Australia, there are already 1,300 serving them in the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, we are dividing the nation, why should they get…? The former are arguments of the social media readers. Reasoning with, having negated their arguments, their next sentence is a repeat of the same statement you think that you have reasoned away!
Some people agree and buy YES badges and take corflutes to display.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart and the First Nations people are my inspiration. I try to emulate their gentle way of life, balance and harmony with Country. "...a spiritual life; the ancestral tie between land ... and the people who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto and must one day return thither ...possessed the land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in ...the last two hundred years?
Tragically the federal opposition is treating the heartfelt call to unity as a political contest; an opportunity to confuse and frighten the Australian public with obfuscations and lies.