Have you discussed the Voice with friends/family/ workmates? How did that go?
I have discussed the Voice with friends. It went well. I am voting Yes and I found that a couple of people were unsure and I was able to talk them through why I thought it was a worthy idea to support. I think they got it!
I have discussed the Voice with friends. It went well. I am voting Yes and I found that a couple of people were unsure and I was able to talk them through why I thought it was a worthy idea to support. I think they got it!
Have you changed your mind on the Voice?
No It is an important decision and Yes will see us renew our journey to reconciliation
Have you tried to persuade anyone? / Has anyone tried to persuade you?
Yes. I have reached out to my friendship group and I have got Yes campaign material and shared it. I found one friend who was definitely no and we have had good exchange via email. He is still No. I am still Yes
Has anyone inspired you?
Marg Lynn who has worked tirelessly for reconciliation in the Bass Coast South Gippsland community and continues with supporting and encouraging people to think about how we work together.
What do you think of the process?
The ability of the No campaign to present material in the official mailout that was not fact-checked was terrible! How can this happen? Their information was emotive and aimed to create fear and confusion. I know I’m Yes but really, it was just a poor process that allowed this to happen.
What should happen if the Voice doesn't get up in the referendum?
Prepare for bad times. Ignorance – “Don’t know? Vote no” – will have won and the unreasonable will be unstoppable.
No It is an important decision and Yes will see us renew our journey to reconciliation
Have you tried to persuade anyone? / Has anyone tried to persuade you?
Yes. I have reached out to my friendship group and I have got Yes campaign material and shared it. I found one friend who was definitely no and we have had good exchange via email. He is still No. I am still Yes
Has anyone inspired you?
Marg Lynn who has worked tirelessly for reconciliation in the Bass Coast South Gippsland community and continues with supporting and encouraging people to think about how we work together.
What do you think of the process?
The ability of the No campaign to present material in the official mailout that was not fact-checked was terrible! How can this happen? Their information was emotive and aimed to create fear and confusion. I know I’m Yes but really, it was just a poor process that allowed this to happen.
What should happen if the Voice doesn't get up in the referendum?
Prepare for bad times. Ignorance – “Don’t know? Vote no” – will have won and the unreasonable will be unstoppable.