The Uluru Statement from the Heart moved me to tears with its extraordinary generosity, and I’m deeply disappointed that this open-hearted gesture has been gratuitously politicized.
I do agree that we need meaningful treaties as soon as possible – and I’m heartened that some are already being negotiated at State level.
Meantime, it seems to me that the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a simple request for an advisory Voice from a diverse group of First Nations representatives. It is surely they to whom we should be listening – and to rather than to politicians and media commentators. So, I’ll be voting YES on October 14. independent legal experts
Meantime, it seems to me that the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a simple request for an advisory Voice from a diverse group of First Nations representatives. It is surely they to whom we should be listening – and to rather than to politicians and media commentators. So, I’ll be voting YES on October 14. independent legal experts