IT WOULD seem the issues I raised in A bolt from the blue, The Cyan Way and Time to walk with nature were on the right track when it comes to carbon sequestration.
In these articles, I indicated how some of Western Port’s foreshore lands could once more become carbon sinks and, on a smaller scale, replicate the natural carbon capture processes the Koo Wee Rup swamp and coastal wetlands once provided.
Be it because of COP26 or the realisation that the community is looking for leadership on ways to reach net zero emissions, the Federal Government has released the Blue carbon method: proposed new method under the Emissions Reduction Fund.
“In late 2020, the Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction tasked the Clean Energy Regulator with developing a blue carbon method under the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF). “Eligible projects under this method will introduce tidal flows to completely or partially drained coastal wetland ecosystems. This is done by removing or modifying part of a tidal restriction mechanism such as a sea wall, bund, drain or tidal gate. “A blue carbon project achieves carbon abatement by:
In calling for public submissions, the Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee states: “The proposed method would enable projects that store carbon in biomass and soils and avoid emissions through the establishment of coastal wetland ecosystems to generate Australian Carbon Credit Units.” |
I dare say I’ll never know “what the teabag said”, but this new proposal has prompted me to keep searching, for there’s sure to be another plan out there somewhere.
Sure enough, there is and now there’s a poster as well.
The plan is called Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037 and, given its purpose is to “stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment”, it should be added to the list in my article, Sifting the plans in play.
If you have a moment, send a message to your MPs, for the elections are not far away, suggesting that Western Port and its region needs an ecosystem-based business management plan to help it achieve a sustainable, net zero emissions future.